MARKETING STRATEGY [Blog & Case Studies]
How-to tactics that actually work. If you run a business, you’ll want to bookmark this blog.
27 Web Design Tips for 2021 (That Inspire Action)
Your website. It is hands-down... the most powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal. It can make or break your business. And an outdated website that's missing key information (or simply looks bad) can drive traffic directly to your competition. Today...
Warning About Light Media Allies Ltd, Bright Media (Bright Allies Company Ltd) Job Offers
If you recently got a job offer from Light Media Allies (, be warned that you may be scammed! Other brand names associated with this group may be: Light Media Ltd Bright Media Allies Bright Media Ltd Bright Media Biz Are you looking for job or career...
Moving Business Online To Outlast The Coronavirus
We will get through this... The coronavirus caught us all by surprise. I'm concerned for the vast numbers of employees who were recently told to not come back to work any time soon... I'm also concerned for the hundreds of thousands of small business owners, service...
Tulsa Marketing Company (Visigility) Featured on
Visigility was recently recognized among the "Top Digital Marketing Companies in Tulsa" by Washington, DC based ratings firm Clutch announced through a press release that Visigility was recognized as a top digital marketing agency in Tulsa....
How to Grow a Facebook Page From ZERO to 1,076 Followers in 14 Days (Organically)
So you just started a brand new Facebook page, and you want to know how to grow your Facebook page fast. Or, maybe you’ve had a lackluster Facebook presence for several months or years... And you're just looking for a way to get more likes on your Facebook page....
9 Ways Your Outdated Website is Hurting Business (Bad)
Think about your own experience. When you land on an outdated website that looks ugly, old or neglected... You assume some things. About the company behind the website. And most of your assumptions are not good. You may think to yourself: "Business must be slow for...
ROI of SEO for Small Business (Let’s Crunch Real Numbers)
This post is part of our OWNER’S MANUAL for DIGITAL MARKETING series – a guide for small business. Today, we're going to look at some hard numbers. To calculate the ROI of SEO from multiple angles. We'll start by looking at click-through rates for each of the top 20...
Get Found on Google in as Little as 25 Seconds (Simple SEO Tip)
This is the quickest method I've used to get found on Google. It takes just seconds. And you'll want to do this every time you post new content. I'm going to show you how to get NEW website content to show up on Google search... Very Fast. And when you see your own...
Marketing Budget: How to Set One for Your Business (Updated)
Marketing your business. Do it well, and watch your business grow into a powerhouse. Neglect it, and watch your business wither away into non-existence. Setting a marketing budget is critical - to prevent accidentally overspending or to avoid underestimating the...
Crush Your Fears With Action
Business is tough. But you are tougher! Leave doubt, worry, inadequacy, and fear of the unknown behind. Action kills it every time. Whenever we are starting something new or "thinking" about taking things to the next level, our minds have a way of working against us...
Marketing Budget Guidelines: Percent of Revenue + Goal Based Budgeting (Infographic)
This marketing budget infographic displays guidelines for how to set a marketing budget for your business, using percent of revenue or goal-based marketing planning. BONUS: we've included a section on how to calculate marketing ROI... the right way! For more in-depth...
What Did CNBC Interviewer Ask Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 -Just 3 Months After Launch?
"When we first launched, we were hoping for maybe 400 or 500 people" - Mark Zuckerberg CNBC caused quite a stir today on Twitter with it's post that said, "11 years ago today, someone named Mark Zuckerberg appeared on CNBC to discuss a social network that had 100K...
Some Called This Man a Failure
Born in 1875, he began building his retail business at the age of 27. Through hard work, courage, and commitment, he became massively successful, where, by age 46, he owned several properties including a 120,000 acre estate in Florida. His business expanded across the...